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本港照顧者遍布社區每一個角落,他們因長時間照顧引致的壓力和困難未必得到適當的支援。作為照顧者的鄰舍,基督教香港信義會社會服務部一直為照顧者提供各類服務,以減輕他們的壓力。今年機構賣旗籌款以「照顧彼鄰 Along with You」為主題,籌得的款項會用作提升照顧者支援服務,活動亦期望喚起社會對照顧者的關注,一同成為照顧者的鄰舍,促進互助,共建照顧友善社區。  

Carers supporting people with long-term care needs can be found in every corner of the community. They may stretch themselves too far in their care-giving roles and suffer from a burnout. As their neighbor, ELCSS-HK has been providing them with various resources and services to relieve their stress. With the theme of "照顧彼鄰 Along with You " (Take Care of your neighbors)this year, the fund raised will be used for enhancing our support services to the carers, and at the same time arousing the public awareness of the needs of the carers in Hong Kong and build a caring-friendly community. 

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